At 08:52 AM 5/9/2001 -0700, you wrote:
i know that these 2 topics normally wouldn't go in the same subject box or
e-mail topic, but of late i have seen wierder topics.
I was on E-Bay a few days ago and saw a release by Paul Johnson on DJAX for
sale.  is this a hoax???  has anyone heard this???  is it any good???  when
did it come out...i am looking for some vital info on it.  my  intrest is
way sparked...

the only one that comes to mind is #200 entitled "Psycho Kong". Double EP utilising the classic Donkey Kong sound.

Benn [Royal] Glazier

phone: +61 (0) 413 316 618
mail: R720 Royal Exchange NSW 1225 Australia

:it is by will alone i set my mind in motion

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