Can you all please move the DEMF discussion over to the
listgeeks list? That's what it's there for. Subscribe here:


Can you imagine how tedious this must be for people who
want to go but can't, or god forbid, don't want to go?
Besides that, am I the only one who's sick of hearing the
dissection of every detail of the festival? It's gonna be
fun. Worry about next year sometime after the middle of
June when the afterglow dies down a bit. I got two words
for ya: controversy shmontroversy 

To get some musical content in this post, I'm listening to
the relatively new Pole set on Sonox, and it sounds a lot
like the set on Betalounge. Anyone else notice this? I
suppose they were from relatively similar time periods.
Having just typed that, a really nice song I haven't heard
kicks in at around 42 minutes in. :) Oh well... 


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