All I get when I call is a pat message telling me to leave a message and make "sure to join [them] at the Focus DEMF 2001 for three days of fun and dancing." FUN AND DANCING I TELL YOU. Have we not heard that phrase enough yet?!?!

I figured that it had something to do with an extraordinary call volume for write-in reporters but at least honor the ones that came to the damn press conference (and, consequently, are writing for one of the media sponsors!!)

This reminds me of when a movie comes out and there isn't an opening night review to be found anywhere...only this time you can't NOT find a (p)review...nowumsayin'?


From: Jim Grindle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: 'kenneth taylor' <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "''" <>
Subject: RE: press pass problems with PCM
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 19:15:27 -0400

Diana got a verbal commitment from Bridget today. I can't say that is what
she gave me. She said she remembered my name and would update all of the
files...hopefully we will hear or read something from them before we show up
at the press tent.    PopCulture is probably very wary of what kind of
coverage they are going to get due to Carl's release. I am certain the
amount of traffic this issue has crated for them has certainly slowed down
their office. Do we request her imminent release due to the low % of press
passes granted 3 days before the festival start date?!?!

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