> Which is hopefully not just a cash in printed version
> of the website entries like all the other AMG books?

Cash in?  I suppose you're right -- companies like to make money, and the
people who work for companies appreciate being paid for their effort...  In
that sense, the book is a total cash-in.  But for all the people who aren't
making any extra money from this book (namely, all of our writors and
editors, most everyone associated with AMG), the only thing *we* really care
about is getting a quality product out there that people will find helpful
and make us proud to be doing what we're doing.

There *is* quite a bit of information in the book that's not available on
the website -- essays, label descriptions, book reviews, music maps, etc.
Though all of the biographies and reviews appearing in the book *are*
accessible on our website, I'm not sure we should be punished for it.
Obviously, it all comes down to a question of value -- is it worth it to
have all the information organized and presented in the most easily
browseable medium ever devised.  I sort of like succumbing to the random
nature of a book, just paging around and letting my eye wander.  I don't
want to shame anyone into buying a copy -- if you've *ever* been to our
website, you should be buying a copy of this book... ;> -- but I think it's
comprehensive, well-done, and very fun to use.  (I've dropped so much money
in the past few years based on what I've found on our website and in our

As to the factual entries, we're typically overwhelmed by all the
corrections necessary to keep a project like this error-free.  I'll take
care of the Steve Reid fiasco, though -- my favorite mistaken identity is
Bill Monroe appearing on Sgt. Pepper's... ;>  And definitely e-mail any
other errors you see directly to me.


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