I went to the Travel section of demf.org hoping for
some details on parking locations, and they were nice
enough to give me a link to mapquest.  How nice of
them ;)


--- Mxyzptlk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My basic formula is : Try the Ford garage....try the
> Cobo Garage...then (as 
> a last resort - it's expensive!) try the Ren Cen -
> that is, if you don't 
> want to hassle with looking to see if there's
> anything down on the river or 
> in various parking lots. If anyone has better Ideas,
> I'm all ears.
> jeff
> At 10:18 AM 5/25/2001 -0700, Kevin Conrad wrote:
> >Does anyone know about parking this weekend?  I'll
> be
> >driving down from Southfield, and I was wondering
> if
> >there's an organized parking situation or if it's
> just
> >a free-for-all.  Thanks in advance.
> >
> >    Kevin
> >
> >__________________________________________________

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