It was only pea-sized? LOL Felt a little bigger than that to me...

I was standing next to the KMS tent when the damn hail hit... I guess it was
about shortly after 10 or so.  I saw the hail and I thought, "well, I don't
suppose a tornado is next..." then I realized I was standing just a few feet
from Kevin Saunderson... so then I mused, "Well, I guess this wouldn't be
such a bad way to go...." LOL Got my picture taken with him, btw, so that
was really cool. :)

BTW, I saw a few people running past the vendor tents (a few moments before
the downpour and hail) with a huge red banner that said, "DEMF = Carl
Craig"... anyone in that group from the 313 list?  Just wondered.

I spent 3 hours in the car driving back to Indiana and I just got home...
I'm still freekin soaked....

It was worth it though, dammit!  I'd do it again!

> Date: Tue, 29 May 2001 00:20:03
> To: <>
> From: Nathan John de Yonker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: and God said unto Carol Marvin
> "Let there be pea-sized hail"

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