(with apologies to Boards of Canada)

A year ago at this time, I was returning from Tokyo.

I sat down and brought up the Freep Web site.

A few moments later, I'd read quotes from Otto, seen numbers like "300,000"
and "500,000", and by the time I reached the picture of the huge mass of
humanity sprawled out behind Richie Hawtin, I was openly sobbing at my computer.

I finally don't have to cry about it anymore.

Detroit is the world's greatest musical city, bar none.  As if there was ever
any doubt, the last 72 hours surely erased it.

But, maybe even more importantly, the people of Detroit - and, especially for
me, the people on this list from Detroit - are the greatest people in the

Carol Marvin can suck my motherf*cking dick.  How dare you?  How DARE you
try and destroy something that touches people right down to their very souls,
right down to the very core of their being?  We are talking about a national
treasure here.  Who would put up with "Bacardi presents ... Mount Rushmore"?

I love you all.

        - Greg

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