In my DEMF report I failed to give proper shoutouts to all the great
people I met, or re-met:

Lester Kenyatta Spence -- every time I ran into Lester I picked up
a contact high.  Despite being an Academic, Lester does know how to
have a good time ;-)

Atomly -- glad to finally meet, sorry we didn't have a deep chat.
we will get you out to iowa to play.

Teep -- one of my original internet homeboys, another guy I didn't get
enough time to parley with ...

Hans, KJ, Otto, Wibo -- thanks for always letting me know where the
REAL party was at ;-)

Greg Earle -- loads of fun hanging out and enjoying music with
the Original Tujunga Nutter.

Bill Van Loo -- I saw you so much I thought you were stalking me!

Diana -- nice work on the AMG!  Next time I'm in town we'll have
dinner together on purpose!

Tamara Warren -- another person I always want to hang with more.

TP -- the Man. Straight Up.

And many others who I will plead Alzheimers for forgetting your names.

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