I'm sure you're all aware by now that the global electronic music scene
is currently under attack.  The battle is especially hard in the United
States, where some of our most legendary dance clubs are being shut
down, owners and promoters are being prosecuted under the "crack house
law", and "raver profiling" has police officers searching and harassing
anybody with a crate of records in their back seat.  What's worse is
that a major precedent in Florida could turn this club harassment into
outright robbery.  The case against Club La Vela indicates that the
government is planning to seize thier assets.  The law allows asset
seizure prior to a guilty verdict in cases against "drug offenders".

The truth about this club, and most of the other clubs under public
scrutiny, is that they have a zero-tolerance policy towards patrons who
bring drugs into their clubs.  Club La Vella is particularly
professional in the way they conduct their business.  Anybody caught
with drugs is immediately expelled.  Anytime there is a medical
incident, the club dials 911 and gets an ambulance on the scene
immediately.  Just what you'd expect a club to be doing.  Not what
you'd expect criminals to be doing though.  The officials see all those
911 calls as a sign that there is something criminal going on.  Keep in
mind that Club La Vella is one of the largest clubs in the US, and they
easily pack the club for events like raves, bringing in more dancers
than any other club in the area.  It's a numbers game.  More people
equals more ambulance calls.  The same thing can be said of early
morning commutes.

Much of the reason for all these drastic measures comes from political
pressure and negative press.  It's fairly common these days to see a
newspaper article about raves or club closures, and it's rarely painted
by the press as a bad thing.  They talk to the police, rather than club
owners to get their information.

Many groups have sprung up in hopes of combatting the tide of
anti-dance legislature, taking their battles to court and raising funds
to fight the war on the front lines.  There are other ways to fight
though.  I've been thinking that the best way to fight politicians is
to get their voters on your side of the cause.  The best way to do that
is to stir up positive press and educate the public on what the
electronic music scene is really about.  So what can you do?  If you
rave, rave responsibly.  Teach the younger kids that the scene is not
all about drugs and rebellion.  Show them the spirit of PLUR, and teach
them through your example how to treat people and property with
kindness and respect.  This will help us clean up the younger crowd who
have flocked to the rave scene hoping to find the drug haven portrayed
on T.V.

The next step is to get involved in positive action groups.  Organize
charities and put donation jars at party booths and raver hang-outs. 
Large contributions can get on the six o'clock news.

Probably the easiest thing you can do though that will make a
difference on a global scale is to participate in the Global Dance
Culture Collective's search for a cancer cure.  The idea is to get a
very large group of ravers, electronic music producers, dj's, and
supporters to contribute a resource they're not using anyway -- their
idle CPU cycles.  If our group is large enough, it's national news.  If
somebody in our group finds the cure, it's the positive press
opportunity of a lifetime.

I started this article talking about the situation of the dance music
industry because that's what this forum is focussed on.  What's really
important to me though is that we contribute to a cure for cancer.  It
is still today a leading cause of death in the U.S.  Chances are you
know somebody who's suffering from cancer.  My little brother developed
a tumor when he was only 9 years old.  A childhood friend of mine has
cancer that has threatened to spread to his vital organs.  I've watched
people loose their hair, their voice, their skin, their beauty, and
their lives in their struggles with cancer.  This is a chance for us to
help them - even if it's only to narrow-down the possibilities, every
little bit counts.

All you have to do is download a client, let it run during your
computer's idle cycles (every computer has a lot of those), and join
the team.  You'll be participating in two very worthy causes.  You can
help to ease the suffering of millions of people world-wide.  From my
perspective, there's no other choice.


- eric

download my music:

help us search for a cancer cure with your CPU's idle time:

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