also very excited to hear this...

i know this is nitpicky, but i hear references all the time to how the DE9 cd was nothing but 'straight ahead' bam bam bam... didn't anyone listen to the latter 1/3 of that cd? from about the Pacou track on, he really switches gears. only making this point because i love that part of the cd.. not for the sake of debate ;)

At 9:45 AM -0400 7/9/01, Rob Theakston wrote:
received a promo copy on my desk this morning. absolutely sinful. i can't
(and won't) mention all of the tracks by name....but thus far i've heard
some rhythm n sound, basic channel, stewart walker, theorem, FUSE,
Plastikman ("spastik") and  carl craig ("the climax" and "4 My Peepz")
amongst others. very tasteful umm.....edits ( wouldn't call them mixes ),
but he goes all over the place with this release as well, not just straight
ahead like the DE909.

i don't know if this raises the bar for mix CDs...because it's more of an
"edit CD" than anything..but whatever it's definitely worth a
listen. he took it to a new level.


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