
I wanted to reply to you privately but my mail keeps bouncing back.  Do you
have a working E-address?

Telepathic regards,

on 7/20/01 9:23 PM, Michel Morin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> hi fred,
> if the bidder falls through (which has happened to me before), you'll be
> the first that i'll email :)
> i've been doing live pa since 97 and have become hyper-critical of most of
> the ones that i've seen. what's with people stopping between every track,
> or worse, just standing there staring at a computer? *snore*
> that said, your pa at demf 2001 stood out as one of the best; your
> transitions were both spontaneous & seemless and the production was clear
> & defined.
> ...and i didn't see a laptop anywhere on stage *grin* (and no, an atari
> doesn't count)
> michel
> on 7/20/01 3:11 PM, Michel Morin at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>> These auctions end around 8pm MST this saturday. All are listed in US
>> dollars.
>> -Atari STacy Laptop 4mb RAM 130mb HD, inc MIDI Software - currently at
> $256
>> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1255558306
>> (*sigh* I'll be sad to see this one go...)
> Hi Michel,
> I would definitely be interested in this item.  Unfortunately I won't be
> around when the bidding ends on Ebay.  Let me know if your buyer falls
> through.
> Thank you,
> fRED
> Upcoming  Live Electronic Demonstrations:
> July 28th - Appliance of Science : Cambridge
> http://www.unlockedgroove.com/events/appliance/

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