Hey all nice to see all this talk about Dan. I haven't
been too fond of the latest release from him. The
Purveroys of Fine Funk on Catalyst!!! YUCK...and the
last Time Undefined was not up to par like the Time
Undefined(s) he did on Strictly Rhythm. I think POFF
is just Dan now because I don't sense that same dope
feeling like those records sound like when Mike Filly
was recording with him as well as Tatsuro Hyashi on
the first 3 Purveryors on Peacefrog. Mike did a track
with him on the Ferox Further Adventures in Techno
Soul sampler and the RTA movement EP on Reel
(Sublime)as well as that first POFF on Nepenta. Those
are all worth tracking down. The last one he did as
Purveyors on Nepenta was also kind of boring and samey
house with repetitive samples

I will say this though...Dan is capable of making
incredible music and I have respect for what he's done
for electronic music. Everyone should grab the new
"One Evening at Mrs. Applebees" It's not new but
actually old tracks off of this EP called Dream not of
Today and I think a track he did off a new electronica
compilation if I'm not mistaken. Other Curtin jams of
recent recollection are the recent Planetary on
Metamorphic and the Player 12" and the recent Delsin
release under another alias ;) before all that I
remember a great EP on star baby as well. Look out for
Curtin's older material for a taste of what really
makes him such a prolific producer.

About Matter Of Sound, it was a limited 7" release
(500 copies I believe) on red vinyl that was mastered
shitty and even cut off part of the beginning of one
of the tracks due to the poor mastering. it is
excellent though and happy hunting for it. 


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