He recorded a couple of Minimal Man, don't know the all the details. He also
did something with Marc Broom. 

Oh yeah his remix 'The Vineyard' from Florence on Eevolute is brilliant.


> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: Wibo Lammerts [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> probably not his best work. He became famous with "Oochie Koochie" and
> "Chickie Chickie Aah Aah" back in the day ---> 1989???  He 
> also did that
> Minimal Man record on the UK Vinyl Solutions label. 

> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: miss lauryn g [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> while browsing around through a record store yesterday with a 
> very short
> amount of time, i ended up finding two baby ford records for 
> 99 cents and
> 2.99$. so i ended up buying them as i was in a hurry and 
> didn't have much
> time to listen to them as i got to only listen to the other tracks i
> spent more money on.
> so i really do not know yet what to expect. i'm not too 
> familiar really
> with his production. i just know some friends with similar 
> tastes in music
> have expressed a liking for his stuff. what artists would be 
> comparable? i
> have to wait for a lil while to take a listen as i don't have 
> tables at my
> home and i am curious as to what i got my hands on. :) 
> the records i picked up were: "fetish" and "let's talk it 
> over". :) could
> someone please give me a rundown of what the tracks would sound like? 


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