Sean Creen wrote:

> What's the story here? Is TP retiring from music altogether, 
> or just not
> playing in Detroit anymore for some reason?
> Sorry if this has been discussed before - I must have missed it..

>From the TP mailinglist:

Next Tuesday night (August 28th, 2001) will be the last night of my SUMMER 
RESIDENCY at the Motor Lounge at 3515 Caniff Street in Hamtramck Michigan. 
For more than 3 years, I've been DJing at a club here in the Detroit area 
each week. Now it's time for me to move on. I can't say that I wont accept 
another residency somewhere else in Detroit. But for now, I don't have any 
plans to do so. I've already stopped spinning at local RAVE parties because 
(unfortunately) that scene has become more about SCORING DRUGS than FEELIN' 
THE MUSIC. I will continue to spin gigs across the country and throughout
world. But after Tuesday, August 28th, I do not have any plans to spin 
anywhere in the Motor City. Those in the Detroit area who want to stay up on

the TP vibe will have to get one of my latest mix CDs, or check me out at So (in a way) I am retiring from spinning in DETROIT! 



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