The West Coast division of the Technotourists is headed to Detroit/Windsor
tonight.  (I get in tomorrow morning at 9:23, sorry I'll miss the Amsterdam
Lounge get-together.  Going West -> East is a b*tch.)

I'll be in Windsor from (roughly) 10:30 AM tomorrow until about 9 PM Sunday
night.  Hope to see my homies at Lifefest (and praying it doesn't rain/hail
all day).  To the usual suspects: e-mail me privately for my cell #.

*w00t*  It's good to be coming back to Detroit.

Speaking of which ... the Kit Clayton/Jasper show last night was a lot of
fun.  Lots of DEMF reminiscing with listmember viagratek and his brother,
and their friend Kathy who's an ex-Detroiter and friend of BMG's.  (She's
trying to convince Adult. to come out to play in LA in November, which will
bestow instant God-like status upon her.)  Jasper played a total Detroit
set, running the gamut from Dan Bell to Derrick May to 69 to one of Kit's
own tracks to Maurizio to a New Order Flashback Weekend ("Blue Monday",
"Perfect Kiss" and "Confusion").  Perfect warm-up for Lifefest  :-)

        - Greg

P.S. I am the root of all Techno.

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