Howdy all,

I've been ill all last week so didn't say this earlier, but if anyone
happens to be in Belgium when RD puts on a party, do your best to get down
to it. They pull out all the stops and I can guarantee a great atmosphere,
equally great beer and some of the best people. And RD is pretty damn tidy
of the ones and twos - Belgian party promoters take note :) Londoners can
expect to hear him for themselves at some point in the not too distant

While I'm on the subject, one of the great things about this list is it's
facilitating of these kind of meetings. Should anyone be in London in the
near future, give me a shout. It would be great to meet up. A lot of
accomodation swaps go on, which is a superb idea. I only have a, by all
accounts very comfortable, sofa to spare but people are welcome :) And if
there's a party I'm planning and you fancy a spin, given enough notice, I'll
do my utmost to fit you in.

On other notes: Red Planet Flux night. I was ill, it was far too hot, the
sound system in one room kept cutting out, the DJs were a bit over eager in
their fader working and Chaos live was amusing but little more. My friend
constantly asking everyone in UR shirt if they were Mad Mike was probably
the best bit of the evening for me. It all seemed very ameuterish to me. But
I suppose there was no way I would have missed it - I mean, I was ill and I
went :) How was Lost?

New records which are good I reckon: the two new Theo Parrishes on Sound
Signature. Especially the 1987 one: one side sounds like he liked Washing
Machine and the other sounds like Jeff Mills on Trax. Wicked. I heard the
Larry Heard LP in Ghent and some of that sounds phenomenal. Snap it up, but
leave a copy for when I get paid please.

On a sad note, will miss Aaliyah. A real R&B talent straight out of
Detroit's High School for Performing Arts.

Finally, if any Londoners are aware of interesting spaces (by which I don't
mean some tiny basement of a crap bar) owned/run by party sympathetic people
that hold around 300, could you drop me a line off list? Especially in and
around N1, N5, N16 but a good varied range would be cool. I'm trying to get
a bit of a database together for vague plans.



P.S. I think Prince rocks. And well after Purple Rain, too.

----- Original Message -----
From: "stuffed bird" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 21, 2001 8:43 AM
Subject: [313] housemaster mac

> Hi Peepz,
> Had Jonny McIntosh over for the weekend and for a 'Kinky People'-party
here in Belgium.
> Let no techno-purists put asunder, Jonny is truly a house master of
excellent class!
> His set will become available in the near future on our new website, which
is still being built.
> Stay tuned...
> RD

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