Have to admit that the UR night in London was a little chaotic (sic) to say
the least. They had soundchecking problems right up to about 12 am, and then
the DJ booth mixer's crossfader went, causing all sorts of problems.  Chaos
live was "interesting" but a little underwhelming to be honest. Only
"afrogermanic" really stood out for me.  Red Planet DJ was good, if not
technically brilliant, his track selection was top notch. It was baking in
there though and I think a lot of people just couldn't deal with. Also, to
the venue, sort out having a trickle of water in the toilets when you've got
oven-like temperatures going on.

Although Lost was a little subdued, Robert Hood was on top form and was
helped by superb sound at Mass. Those 313'ers who attended the last Lost at
Mass with Uncle Jeffrey might remember it being a nightmare, but this time
it was different. Good security, air conditioning and great sound. I thought
for once that Steve Bicknell was actually not bad too.


----- Original Message -----
From: Jongsma, K.J. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 4:03 PM
Subject: [313] Chaos was Belgium, Red Planet, Theo Parrish...

> > On other notes: Red Planet Flux night. I was ill, it was far
> > too hot, the
> > sound system in one room kept cutting out, the DJs were a bit
> > over eager in
> > their fader working and Chaos live was amusing but little
> > more. My friend
> > constantly asking everyone in UR shirt if they were Mad Mike
> > was probably
> > the best bit of the evening for me. It all seemed very
> > ameuterish to me. But
> > I suppose there was no way I would have missed it - I mean, I
> > was ill and I
> > went :) How was Lost?
> We had Chaos over in Holland also. Amusing is indeed the best description
> for his live-set. Why o why couldn't he where a shirt like every healthy
> techno freak. That way we didn't have to look at his artificial created
> belly.
> Did they also did that dress-up thing in London? I wonder why they where
> doing that. I know they haven't done a lot of gigs but this made the whole
> set a bit silly. Thank god they can make good music...
> 430West rocked in holland, both RNG live and the DJ set from Lawrence
> was fantastic.
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