I should also have said that I am looking for recommendation for specific
> releases. I know about Fax and Warp, I need details about which
> releases/artists to look for. I have a general idea about who was big in
> early 90's and what to look for. What I am interested in is specifics
> the more obscure labels/releases and artists from that period.

all the artifical intelligence on warp series were great, especially Polygon
all the early aphex stuff in fact (caustic window and the analogue bubble
baths are easy to track down).
bioshere's patashnik (sp?) was really good too if you liked microgravity.
early seefeel stuff is brilliant, and the FFWD album (orb members + robert
fripp) is very cool.
air liquide have got loads of material too which might not be too easy to
find?????? but Sonic Weather Machine and Nephology are really cool.
and then there is the Orb and FSOL.
maybe not quite what you're looking for but if you don't have FSOL's album
Lifeforms get it immediately, i still think this is THE most important
(electronic?) album EVER. (i know i'm gonna start an argument with that one
: ).
as far as fax, i would recommend Air and Fish, but i haven't heard a lot
more than that.


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