>allnight wrote:
>>  this drama that NYC is
>> living is something that we brazilians and poor people from all
>> arround the world live everyday. we are not killed by airplanes, we r
>> killed by political decisions and economical interests.

From: "Sean Creen"<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>  its really sad that the only
way they found to show that was by
>> killing people.
>I can excuse the language, but not the attempt to excuse or explain this
>act of pure evil. Indisriminate murder of civilians is inexcusable,
>whether it is at the hands of a military force or a terrorist group, for
>ANY reason.
>Growing up in Belfast, I've lived through a few atrocities and heard all
>kinds of disgusting attempts to justify them on one level or another, but
>they pale beside what has happened today.
>This is indeed a time for reflection, about the evil that humans can
>inflict on each other and what we have become...

i think when alnight said 
>>  its really sad that the only way they found to show that was by
>> killing people.
that they agreed that what happened was very wrong...

things like this re-alert me to the fact that this life is one big scary
political game, with us as the pawns...  and unfortunately people who make
decisions to do things like this feel that the loss felt by some is worth
their own cause... 

i include my condolences to all people affected... 

i'm sure this has already been said, but being from australia and watching
the news coverage on all TV stations, the whole thing seems so surreal...
sci-fi almost.... the pentagon just doesn't get crashed into by planes, not
on purpose, or otherwise... i'm sure it doesn't seem any less surreal there

anyhow back to the tv


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