Thanks to Lester for his warming and thoughtful comments.  I only hope the
US president can think as clearly as he has.

I'm really frightened at this point in time.  The president has announced
his intent to retaliate (but without detail), according to sources at and various news pages, the military is on the highest alert
(threatcon delta).  I really hope that this is not the only solution, I
sincerely feel for all in DC and NYC and all on the planes that were
crashed.  I hope everyone I know is alright.

take care, stay well
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lester Kenyatta Spence" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2001 1:02 PM
Subject: [313] WTC ET AL

> I'm sending this to a few different lists as a sidenote...
> In the wake of this tragedy, I've already seen implicit and explicit
> newscoverage blaming Palestine, and Palestinians for the tragic event.
> NBC cameras have gone to the West Bank showing cheering children.  Brokaw
> has called this "a declaration of war."
> The bottom line is WE DO NOT KNOW WHO DID THIS.  I've already had an
> argument with a student who wanted to "bomb them to hell," referring to
> Arabs/Palestinians.  And I heard one professor mutter something that
> sounded an awful lot like a racial slur after seeing the cheering
> spectators on the West Bank.  PLEASE DO NOT FALL VICTIM TO THE
> MILITARISTIC IMPULSE!!!!!  This is a time for prayer and reflection...
> Secondly I've received a couple of emails with "chicken-roost"-type
> language.  Not only is such language inappropriate given the
> tragedy....but given the heightened security measures the government
> usually takes at times like this, such language can be DANGEROUS.  Do not
> USE such language over the net.
> This is a dire time.  But we have two choices....we can either be human,
> or be barbaric.
> lks
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