I am sure all of you are wondering what people in the military are thinking
about this right...

I was sitting at breakfast this morning when the first report came in about
the planes crashing into the WTC.  At first i thought that it was an
accident until i saw the footage of the second plane crashing into it.  I
was pissed.  Its an act of war.  It was a larger scale attack on the united
states then the attack on pearl.  more casualties, more death, more
destruction.  All of a sudden Timothy McVey isn't the worst guy ever in the
face of Americans.  this event was well planned out and probably way more
intricate then i will ever know.  pretty much everything went right for the
terrorists, and terribly wrong for the home team.  The worst thing about
terrorism is that nobody sees an attack coming.  no matter how much training
you give people to stop sh!t like this from happening is still does.  If i
recall correctly Newsweek did an article about a year ago talking about how
the next world war was going to be a war for terrorists to stand out.  a war
against terrorists.  i can see it happening, but i am not sure how the US or
the countries it is on good terms with is going to combat it.  
I went to work knowing that it was going to have a long day because of this.
Usually on the ship there are only 2 people walking around with guns at a
time.  right now every single gun is checked out to senior personnel.
bottom line...we have to protect our ship.  This is the third time there has
been a big terrorist attack directed at the US since i have been in the
Navy.  the first time was in 98 when the American embassy got bombed in
Kenya.  I was in bootcamp, so i was just shocked, didn't affect what we were
doing any.  the second time was last year when DDG 67 USS Cole got bombed
while stopping for fuel.  I was in the Persian gulf at the time and it was
not pretty.  We were out at sea for over 60 days.  that is an insane amount
of time to be out away from the rest of the world.  you get to know people
pretty well love them or hate them.  I would like to think that it made me
stronger.  I am hoping that we could take this horrible incident and become
not only stronger, but smarter.  That way we can prevent something like this
from happening again.  I do not wish this to happen to anyone else's
country.  it is no joke.  i have no idea what my ship is going to do now,
and i hate to be left guessing until someone makes the decision for me.  

this ain't the movies, y'all...go out and give blood.  i am sure there are
thousands of people out there who need it.  plasma might be a good idea too.



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