Here are some more alternative sources for news and below the surface information (forgive me if I've sent any of these already):

the print on this links page is pretty damn small but I didn't make it so find what you can.This is by far one of the best resources for info about and for communities/people from the Middle East including both Jews and Muslims.

below is a copied content of the pages listed in the above link:

Addameer (conscience) Prisoners Support and Human Rights Association is a Palestinian non-governmental, civil institution which focuses on human rights issues.

Al-Awda The Palestine Right of Return Coalition.

Al-Haq The West Bank affiliate of the Geneva-based The International Commission of Jurists (ICJ), is a Palestinian human rights organization which was founded in 1979 by Palestinian lawyers concerned with the protection and promotion of the principles of human rights and the rule of law.

Ali Abunimah's Bitter Pill Uncovering media myths about the Middle East.

Al Mezan Center for Human Rights A Palestinian NGO based in Jabalia Refugee Camp in the heart of the Gaza Strip working for the protection of the rights of the Palestinian and the democratization of society.

Alternative Information Center A tremendous source of current information.

AMIN Arab Media Internet Network

AMPAL Americans & Palestinians for Peace

Ariga Carries mostly reports from various organizations concerned about the violence in this intersection of three continents.

ARIJ Applied Research Institute Jerusalem

Association of Forty An association taking care of 40 Arab villages unrecognized by Israel.

Bat-Shalom A feminist center for peace and social justice.

BeliefNet The Conflict in the Middle-East section of this faith-based site.

B'tselem B'tselem is an Israeli organization concerned with the abuse of Palestinian human rights in the occupied territories.

Center for Ecomomic & and Social Rights Challenges economic injustice as a violation of international human rights law.

CAABU Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding

CPT Christian Peace Team

Cyber Palestine "The Nation of Palestine in Cyberspace," containing information regarding 418 ruined Palestinian communities.

Foundation for Middle East Peace (FMEP), contains important information concerning settlements.

Gush Shalom A non-partisan grass roots movement, composed of Jews and Arabs—Independents as well as members of political parties and other organizations—whose aim is to influence public opinion.

Ha'aretz The English edition of the Israeli daily newspaper.

Hanthala Palestine "A resource for countering myth, distortion and spin from the Israeli media war machine."

Health Development Information and Policy Institute An independent, non-profit organization established in 1989 by a group of experienced researchers and health practitioners committed to improving the status of health care for all Palestinians.

Human Rights Watch report on unlawful use of force in Israel and Occupied Territories. See press releases here.

Independent Media Center (Israel) The Israeli component of the Independent Media cooperative project.

Institute for Palestine Studies (IPS) Founded in Beirut in 1963, the IPS is an independent, nonprofit research and publication center, not affiliated with any political organization or government. IPS promotes research, analysis, and documentation on the Arab-Israeli conflict and its peaceful resolution.

Intifada On Line A Europe-Based Palestinian site supporting the intifada.

ittijah Union of Arab Community Based Associations

Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs An offical site of the government of Israel.

Jerusalemites An Amman-based non-governmental organization geared to educating, and exposing the human dimension of the Palestinian people and their attachment to their land; past and present.

Jewish-Palestinian Discussion Group An online discussion group.

Jews for Justice in the Middle East A group of Jews who have published a very useful and eye-opening pamphlet entitled "The Origin of the Palestine-Israel Conflict." Now in its third edition, this text explodes many of the myths promoted by the Israeli government and mainstream Jewish organizations in the United States.

Jews for Racial and Economic Justice (JFREJ) Founded in May 1990 by a group of communal leaders, rabbis, educators, writers, and activists, dismayed by the increasing level of racial and ethnic tension, violence, and economic disparities in New York City, and by the lack of progressive responses from the Jewish community.

Jewish Peace Fellowship A Jewish voice in the peace community and a peace voice in the Jewish community.

Land Research Center (LRC) A Jerusalem-based center to protect the Palestinian land, safeguard Palestinian agriculture from Israeli violations, preserve the Palestinian's basic rights to housing and land ownership, develop Palestinian agriculture and expertise, make full linkages in shape and content between Arab Jerusalem and the remaining parts of the occupied Palestinian territories, taking into consideration that Jerusalem is an integral part of the West Bank, work for the restoration of collective popular action with the aim of preserving land and agriculture, with an emphasis on the prominent role of women in these areas.

LAW The Palestinian Society for the Protection of Human Rights and the Environment.

Meretz A democratic and peace-seeking party in which Jews and Arabs operate in complete equality. Meretz is fully committed to human rights, to full equality between all of the citizens of the State, to social justice, to the security of Israel, and to the values of Humanistic Zionism.

Middle East Crisis Committee Founded in New Haven in 1982, the Middle East Crisis Committee publishes The Struggle. Contains many articles by Israel Shamir.

MIFTAH A Palestinian, Jerusalem-based, independent institution committed to fostering the principles of democracy and effective dialogue based on the free and candid exchange of information and ideas. Contains many articles by Hanan Ashrawi.

Monitoring Israeli Colonizing Activities in the Palestinian West Bank and Gaza A joint project between the Applied Research Institute in Jerusalem (ARIJ) and the Land Research Center (LRC), which provides accurate updates on the expansion of existing Israeli colonies, associated by-pass roads and land confiscation.

New Israel Fund Supports non-government organizations in Israel that safeguard civil and human rights, promote Jewish-Arab equality and coexistence, advance the status of women, foster tolerance and pluralism, bridge social and economic gaps, pursue environmental justice, and encourage government accountability.

New Profile Movement for the Civil-ization if Israeli Society.

NileMedia An independently operated cyber magazine that seeks to enlighten its readers about the world in general and the Middle East in particular.

Open Tent An umbrella group that supports peace in the Middle East.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights An independent Palestinian Human Rights Organization based in Gaza City. It is an affiliate of the International Commission of Jurists-Geneva and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH).

Palestinian Center for Peace and Democracy (PCPD) A Palestinian, non-profit, non-governmental organization that is dedicated to promoting peace, democracy and human rights in the region.

Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group A Palestinian group that monitors human rigths abuses committed by the Palestinian Authority.

Palestine Information Clearinghouse Established by the Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO), this site conveys unified responses about local developments from the perspective of civil society, particularly given the present crisis in the Palestinian territories. The website also highlights the real effects the many changes and decisions have had on Palestinians' lives over the past several years, and provides tools for the public to take action on specific issues.

Peace Now An Israeli peace movement.

Palestinian National Authority (PNA) The official web site of the PNA.

Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR) The rabbinic voice of conscience in Israel founded in 1988 in response to serious abuses of human rights by the Israeli military authorities in the suppression of the Intifada.

Ramallah Online An excellent source of news and photos.

Red Line (Kav Adom) Movement The site of Israeli citizens who support the immediate withdrawal of I.D.F. from Lebanon.

SALAM An electronic magazine about the struggle for peace and justice in the Middle East.

The Electronic Infitada A resource for countering myth, distortion and spin from the Israeli media war machine.

The Other Israel A bimonthly magazine that aims to provide extensive coverage of the diverse struggles waged by the Israeli peace movement at large.

The Shalom Center Founded in 1983, the Shalom Center brings Jewish spirituality, tradition, and experience to bear on issues of tikkun olam—pursuing peace, seeking justice, healing the earth, and building community.

ZNet Middle East Watch An excellent "portal" to many sites and information resources and the Middle East.

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