First off - Thanks! 
- to everyone who has tuned into the show recently. 

I originally stated just over a week ago that it might very well be the
final episode. Well the show is still going on (for how long is another
question). The period for which they were analysing the hits on the
archive, as far as I know has ended (but once again you never know). The
reason for this delay, one can imagine, was a result of tuesday's
disaster. Some people - Dj's, the Program manager were stranded in other
cities, unable to make it back in time for the big meeting. The meeting
has been postponed till next Friday. Which means, I'll still have at
least 1 more show to go. Whether they'll take one last look at the
number of hits on the archive is another question. The station itself is
going through quite a change - for a couple of reasons. Under the parent
company (Iceberg Media), there are 3 different station's Illnoiz, Too
Kool For Radio, and 1Groove. Of note the Illnoiz station is being
cancelled completely, and 1Groove is being downsized. If anyone wants to
know why - I'd be more than happy to go into details offlist. 

Anyways, just thought I'd let everyone know what's going on, and I guess
I'll write another update after the Big Meeting next friday.

Once again thanks for the support everyone has shown over the years, and
especially over the last week or so. I'd like to also thank all of you
who have taken the time to personally email me with your kind words of
encouragement during this period.



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