terrible thing to happen anywhere in the world.

...but please put this incident in correct proportion. How many of you
lost your night sleep when the civil war in Ruanda killed over 1 million
people? How many of you plead for donations when an earthquake in Turkey killed
over 40000 people? Did you post touching and well written e-mails on
the net for people to see then? Or were the incidents just too far away or
in a country that you haven't heard of for you to feel even the slightest
sense of compassion or sorrow?

These incidents where innocent people die in masses
happen almost weekly. But you just don't see it on your local cable tv,
CNN or NBC. I do not approve this act of terrorism, but this is not the first
time that people die for no reason. This time it just happened in the
USA and in the heart of capitalism...

disclaimer: I did lose my night sleep over this WTC incident as well i
lost my night sleep for the incidents in Ruanda and Turkey and for countless
other terrible incidents. Every loss of human life is a tragedy.

all of us should just try to be more humane...



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