"As an aside, some network anchors and others have taken, in recent days,
to pronouncing the name of this depraved demoniac “Oh-sah-ma,” because it is
spelled, in press accounts, with an O.  Whereas, on the FBI Ten-Most-Wanted
List, Mr. Bin Laden’s Christian name (if you will) is rendered as Usama,
with a U.  The truth is, that, when first the infant demon was diapered, in
1957, his birth certificate appeared in Arabic script.  Therefore, when his
name is spelled with Roman letters, it is spelled phonetically, as it
sounds; and since it is properly pronounced with a soft U as in “us,” or a
soft O as in “of”, it can be spelled with either O or U.  But it is properly
pronounced, “Uss-ah’-ma.”  I offer this pronunciation guide as it is seemly
that we speak the name correctly as we spit on his death notice and delete
him from the memory of man.  "  - Dave McBride

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