Yes that party happened last friday w/ Hawtin + Joel Mull + Derrick Carter.
We raised 11K ;) It was great seeing the fireman dancing and drunk off their
arses. Most of the men from Ladder Co. 11 died, which is right down the
street from guernica :(

Also, I just heard that Kevin Saunderson's benefit party last night raise
almost 8K!


-----Original Message-----
From: Jason Kessler [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 21, 2001 11:12 AM
Subject: [313] Guernica

Wow. I just saw Victor Mizo from Tronic Treatment in NY interviewed on CBS 2
NY about the benefit party they did at Guernica for Ladder Co. 11. The
segment showed Victor et al going down to the firehouse, eating food with
the firefighters and what not. I didn't catch the exact number, but
apparently they raised a good deal of cash for the FDNY. Good work!


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