On Thu, 4 Oct 2001, Sean Deason wrote:

> Are there any London area 313-er's out there still? I'll be making a
> stopover in London (Heathrow) Saturday in route to Budapest and I have a
> *monsterous* layover in between. any suggestions as to shops I could get to
> easily from the airport (and how I'd get there?) or is anyone willing to
> extend some hospitality to a sure to be lost traveler from Detroit? :^)
> I'm scheduled to arrive at Heathrow at 7 a.m. (yikes!!!) and will have
> *loads* of time to kill before my next flight so if anyone has any tips on
> fun ways to past the time in London on a Saturday, I'd appreciate it :^)

Loads of time to kill?  Come on...with increased security you might JUST
make your next flight.


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