anyone got any further info on this one?  (tracklisting?)

WALCOTT, MITCH: Europa CD (AXIS/TOMORROW). . "During the month of November and December, I wanted to take the tracks that I liked best from DEMF and put them all together on a CD. The dilemma was naming the project about a planet or moon and have it all make sense. Europa was the perfect candidate. After doing a lot of research, I found that someday we might actually send a spacecraft that will penetrate the ice to hopefully discover a subsurface ocean. The possibility that there may be life on Europa fit very well with my last track on the disc, which was to move the listener from a very dismal place, to a place of beauty. I did not want to specifically name the spacecraft going to Europa. There are many different teams out there right now, each with their own project name and idea of functionality. So, I decided to be somewhat vague so that the listener could use his/her imagination. My goal is for people to listen to this project and come away with interesting imagery in their minds." -- Mitch Walcott



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