well you know what I mean..

But it causes me to say this....and please take this the right way - as we
are all friends here..

I think sometimes we all talk to much you know and don't do anything about

we all look upto Jeff Mills and The whole detroit thing because these
peoiple re4ally made
a difference and most of us and even me have fallen into this trap were we
are quite happy
to sit back and go with the flow....

Well who out us all is gona make history like these people did?

The only person I think who is is Oliver Ho..ok am from the Uk and it could
be biased but instaed of talking the walk,why don't we as a unit walk the

who here is gona be noticed in 25 years time as being the breed who change
Techno for the 
generation to come?

Now theres a question for you to all talk about but don't

sit down tonite/today and do somehting differne t, make techno go in the
direction it
naturally should take us all....

Hisroty repeats itself,why should techno?

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 31 January 2002 14:01
To: 313@hyperreal.org
Subject: [313] Re: again + again 

> Where was there even a hint of Drum n Bass mentioned in the post?????????

>> If you want to talk about Drum & Bass ,,,maybe you should talk
>> about Drum & Bass on a Drum & bass forum not a 313 forum..
>> Is anyone in agreement or have I misread his email?

mentioning 4hero - them from the paralell universe of 313 

doesn´t mean th whole mail was about d+b, as their music is somewhere else -

go ahead :D 


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