Moe Fuzz wrote:
> There's suppose to be a brand new Stacey Pullen track on the next No  
> Categories 5 comp (Ubiquity), and  it's not the remix he did for As One.
> I'm told the tune "fuckin' rocks".   There's also a new P'taah track on that
> comp.

Nothing to do with the above post really, but last night on TMF -the
Dutch MTV clone- I came across a short interview with DJ Melvin, a Dutch
club/trance DJ. When the presenter asked which Dutch DJs he admired, he
said DJ Jean and Lucien Foort (trust me, you don't want to know) but
when asked about foreign DJs, he mentioned Stacey Pullen. That was a bit
of a shocker...

PS He thought Stacey was from the UK :)

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