I was browsing the net to find some collected info on 1200s, but the
Hyperreal FAQ:s are dated in 93, 94 and other material is spread quite
far & wide.

well since the 1200 hasn't changed much since the 70s, i think FAQs from 93/94 will still be on point =) i once found a good website, though i don't have the link anymore. it was when i was considering jacking up the pitch on my decks

Would anyone know where to find a good set of information about Ortofon
& Shure cartridges & styli that are used mainly for djng?

i use Ortofon Niteclubs on two of my decks and SHure SC35Cs on the other - i find the ortofons are really really good. the Shures are scratch needles. they don't skip, but they are heavy and will eat up your vinyl like nothing if you cue up a sample repeatedly


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