Yep, this was Red D a while back. We just had him over in London this
weekend just gone for our party. A great time was had by all, I hope. I'm
due out there in early March for the 3rd time and really recommend it if
anyone gets the chance: great people and great, cheap beer ;)

Similarly, I'd like to offer the same for here in London. I'm much lazier
than Red D or, I presume, Scott, and so our parties are less frequent. But
basically, if anyone's about on a holiday, give me a shout in advance and
I'll see what I can do. At the very least it's great to hook up with folk as
one of the nice things about the list is finally putting faces to names.


> Somebody offered the opportunity for anyone to play over in Belgium if any
> 313 peeps were about.
> I would also like to extend the offer from Liverpool (UK). If anyone is in
> the area in future then let me know, we can provide your environment.  All
> calibre (caliber for the US citizens) of djs welcome, we'll work something
> out accordingly.
> SM
> PS. I hope Mike Grant is on holiday soon. ;o)

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