----- Original Message -----
Cc: <313@hyperreal.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 20, 2002 10:53 AM
Subject: Re: [313] theblackdog. (was: Re: [313] brinkman - rosa cd)

> I wouldn't get too excited, The Black Dog being only one of the original 3
members (Ken Dowie) who hasn't released anything remotley touching the
original Black Dog Productions stuff (remember Virtual)since the other 2
members split and started Plaid.

Call me a freak, but I prefer both groups after the split. IMO, the early
stuff was very hit-or-miss as albums, with a few gems. Compare those earlier
albums to "Not For Threes" or "Music for Adverts and Short Films" and they
got a lot more coherent (at least to my ears). Music For Adverts has as good
a track-to-track flow as any album I can think of, if not the best. Any one
track wouldn't stand alone so well, but together it's a masterpiece.

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