Here's the Audio::Nimbus playlist for Sunday, February 24,
5pm - 7pm (PST) with Enough Radio.

Broadcasting unique electronic experiments on Enough Radio
at for the world wide web
to hear, feel, absorb and digest.

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Pre-Recorded TWINE.Feb.13.02 live-set w/
Pietrobot & Digital Chemist pt.1 ..
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Pole: Stadt [2] Matador 
Gescom: Chunge (Remix) [That] Skam
Manitoba: Dundas, Ontario (Remix) [Give'r EP] The Leaf
Aspen: Tips for Beginners [Are You That Retail Snob?] Involve 
Bauri: Ghostie [Embryo EP] De:Bug 
Boards of Canada: 1969 [Geogaddi] Warp/Skam 
Abfahrt Hinwil: Phase IV [Logatech EP] Toytronic 
Geiom: Fulford [Sellotape Flowers] Neo Ouija 
Lowfish: FatBlex [Eliminator] Suction 
Penfold Plum: Metwal [Scribbled I Infant] Wichita
Esem: Eloki [Ikae EP] DeFocus 
Tim Tetlow: Mind is Moving [Beauty Walks a Razor's Edge] Planet Mu 
Pss2099: Shadows [Men with Boxes Comp.] DUB 
Bola: Pae Paoe [Fyuti] Warp 
Original Instrument: Bop Me [Album] Kracfive 
Brothomstates: Jak Got Stuck In Canada [Qtio] Warp 
Telefon Tel Aviv: TTV [Farenheit Fair Enough] Hefty 
CiM: Commuter Love [Defocus Sampler] DeFocus 
Xela: Rainy Afternoons [Unreleased] John Twells 
Global Goon: Jerky Dharma [Vatican Nitez] Rephlex 
Jeff Symons: [Unreleased] Tundra-Music 
Meat Beat Manifesto: The Tweak [Actual Sounds + Voices] PIAS

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Audio::Nimbus live @ Pietrobotics Studio on Enough Radio pt.2 ..
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Tim Koch: Slack Magic [Shorts in Alaska] DeFocus
Kettel: Nestingbox Seventeen [Annexe: Cottage Industries 2 Comp.] Neo Ouija 
Jack Dangers: Sounds of the Internet [Sounds of the 20th Century No.4] TinoCorp
Dimension 5: Compu-Dance (Full Version) [Unreleased] John Harvey
Metamatics: Vaxhug [From Death to Passwords..] Hydrogen Dukebox
Tim Jackiw: Form [Glaciarc EP] Tundra-Music
Model 500: The Passage [The True Techno EP] Network 
Push Button Objects: Babushka [Unauthorized EP] Chocolate Industries
Andre Estermann: Bith [Balloon] Sellwell Productions 
Christian Kleine: Several [Valis] Morr
Eu: Somn [Tuner EP] Pause 2
Eu: Turt [RND_0.34873349921 Comp.] Pause 2

Including excerpts from: 
Jack Dangers: The Human Voice [Sounds of the 20th Century] TinoCorp

All playlist's and events are currently archived at the Audio::
Nimbus website,

Thanks to all those who tuned in! Feel free to email comments
about the show, or inquiries on the artists listed to the following


|| audio::nimbus :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] .. .. ..
|| web :: .. .. .. 
|| p.o. box 443, orange - california, 92856 .. .. .. 

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