Hello and Happy Easter to all of you !!

I trust everyone had a goods time.. I was celebrating my 30th Birthday on
the 30th so I am still abiot hazy as
we went for it for 40hrs, so my eyes are very tired as well as my feet :0)

To celebrate this wonderful occassion  I have another mix that has been
uploaded onto the www.twelveinch.com site under 
the techno section on the audio page. If anyone who doesn't know my DJ name
its Kube72.

This one is one of 4 mixes being addded everyday to the site, all different
but today's starts with some electro and then hardens up, there's
27 tracks there for you to comment on and please do comment but today's mix
is geared towards my German crowd that like it hard.

So enjoy and if you have any problems please let me know but some of you
will know Marek who runs Twelove Inch and he is a top man!

Take care


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