Radio in Ambience /Deep Wireless

Tuesday April 9th 2002 - 9:00pm door - 9:30pm first set

   @ The Ambient Ping / C'est What
   19 Church Street at Front Street
   3 blocks east of the Union Station subway
   map -

This special free presentation for Deep Wireless in collaboration with
New Adventures in Sound Art features several experimental artists
making extensive use of radio as a live ambient sound source.

* Deep Wireless -

Jakob Thiesen and "audio contortionist" Neil Wiernik (naw) plan
a "soundclash of biblical proportions" using vlf sounds
being shredded in real time with custom sound manipulation software.
Granular-synthesis is the word of the day as they remix
material from from each others computers on the fly.

* Jakob Thiesen -
* Neil Wiernik -

Susanna Hood and Nilan Perera will perform with radios prepared
to be constantly scanning through stations, lingering sometimes
on a clear signal and sometimes on the in-between static, bleeps
and whirs. Applying treatments and loops, they will be merging the
signals with electric guitar, voice and other odds and ends. The sound
information from the radio will direct the rest of their sound choices,
from mimicking to accompanying the radio. Sometimes the audience
will hear only their interpretation of the source materials and not
the sound of the radio itself.

* Susanna Hood -
* Nilan Perera -

More info and a complete schedule of Ping free events at

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