I went to see it this weekend as well and have to agree with previous
comments - highly recommended. Really liked the script, which was full of
memorable lines and moments, and of course the music is excellent as they
were able to use all the original material and had plenty of people
available to make sure they picked the right stuff. The guy who played Ian
Curtis was particularly good and had Curtis's stage presence down to a 'T'
(as verified by the people I went with, both of whom saw Joy Division live),
as was Steve Coogan as Tony Wilson, the bumbling middle class romantic. The
Hacienda scenes were cool, too - just like I remember it - and there were
loads of great cameos by the likes of Mark E Smith etc.

An absolute must for anyone into music, IMO; even if the bands like New
Order, the Mondays etc mean nothing to you (and I'm guessing that almost
everyone on this list likes New Order), you'll still enjoy it. Personally it
brought back loads of memories, and watching to the follow up documentary on
C4 the night after I saw it was just an added bonus! Funny, inspiring and
touching, with a great soundtrack - go see.

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