Hi Guys
About 7 years ago I was trying to make a living selling mix-tapes and I was
particularly conscious of the 'copyright' issue - I attended many of the PRS
society meetings at this time - and to be honest I could not see it going
anywhere.  To me there seemed a very easy solution.  And that's what's
moreorless being voiced here today:  a collective of labels who give a
blanket permission for the catalog to be used in mix tapes, broadcast sets,
Sets should be streamed or MP3'd in a reasonable quality, even recordable to
CD, but not best quality.
If there is to be a payment involved to receive the set then people will go
and get the set.
Those who know me will know Im a huge Richie fan, and I couldnt wait to get
my hands on DE9 when it was first released.  It was through this board that
I got a pointer to awebsite where I downloaded the whole CD long before its
release ..... not the first day it was released, nor the second, but about 2
weeks in, I went into the stores and got myself a copy.
I dont think the broadcasting of sets is going to kill the music ... and who
at the start of this went in thinking they were going to be mega rich ...
not many ....i think it will be the opening door to a huge upturn in new
interest in dance music.
just my 2.00pees worth

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