what are the best places you would recommend around Europe for a monthly "313" focused event? Not biggest places, and best is difficult to rate, naturally. Mix of venue, sound system, and of course, appreciative audiences. My preference is to avoid the biggest cities, where techno has gotten a bit boring or routine. My idea is to see if there would be 5 nights in 5 great venues, spread over 7-10 days. The local promoters would all share some tour travel expenses for the DJ. The DJ gets 5 gigs on the one trip overseas (as opposed to most who seem to fly in for one gig then back home for a while). I'm based in Cork City, Ireland, which has always had quite a deep house focus but techno seems to be coming on strong now. There are 3-4 clubs here that would be okay (Henry's, Savoy, Half Moon, and a new place called One).

fix.er \'fik-s*r\ n : one that fixes : as : one that intervenes
 to enable a person to circumvent the law or obtain a political
favor : one that adjusts matters or disputes by negotiation
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