> >what with them and So Solid Poo...enough
> yeah those guys do my head in !
> UK garage used to be vaguely respectable back when i! were putting out Todd
> Edwards stuff etc , but now its turned into loads of pop poofs with poor
> rhymes lamely attempting to get down with the underground.
> One of those so solid guys got put in the slammer - I reckon thw whole lot
> of them should be banged up quite frankly !

i don't think what they are doing is all bad...from a _pop_ point of view
dark tunes with lots of bass and almost electro rhythms are way better
than most other pop music (i mean britney, spice girls... fer fux sake!)
and are a lot better than a lot of other pop uk garridge people.

ok, just destroyed what little credibility i may have managed to build up
on this list :)

my tip for something vaguely UK garridge: The Streets CD, a pretty good
snapshot of UK culture.


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