Hey folks...

A few months back there was some discussion about this program which aired on UK television... all about house/techno, electronic music roots, etc.

It was very informative and I was able to obtain a copy THE FIRST EPISODE in mpeg format.

One of the list-members was supposedly mailing a copy of subsequent segments on videocassette [in PAL format, I might add] to someone in the US for encoding on some website or something... for encoding.

Well... it doesn't seem like it ever appeared online [afaik]... If it did, great.. someone please e-mail me and put me in my place. =)

IF not, I'd really like to get ahold of a dub of the original -- I found a place here where I am locally that will do the PAL --> NTSC conversion for very cheap. I'd also be willing to provide copies to N. American [read: NTSC] listmembers for a nominal fee.

So, can someone help me spread the love here?


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