Lots of other people have already shared their thoughts on Saturday's 313
party, but I thought I'd chip in too and join in the clamour of
congratulation directed at Rob.

Immediately upon arriving in the venue with a few friends, I got the sense
that this was a night destined to go off. Ian's set was solid, the
atmosphere was friendly and vibrant, the attendance was looking good, the
sound system was doing its job, and the bar was well stocked with beer. I
dumped my records behind the decks and ordered a beer, while checking out
the amazing visuals (floating images of UR/Accelerate/Peacefrog/Metamorphic
etc record labels - pretty nice!) and being incredibly grateful that I'd
been unable to do a live set that night - the amount of space was pretty
limited, so I'd probably have had to set up on the dancefloor!

The bar staff were surprised at how happy we were to move when they came
around to fold away the tables - I was pretty keen to see people get up and
dance, and if there's one thing that'll make people sit around all night
it's a healthy number of tables and chairs, so we took the opportunity to
hop to our feet and start moving to the music.

>From then on I was fairly unsociable, being pretty much engrossed in set
after set and dancing around like a moron practically the whole time! At
times I almost forgot that it was a party for an internet mailing list I'm
on, as the geekiness level was undetectably low and the atmosphere was
excellent. The sets I especially enjoyed were the really tall guy who played
some weird juxtapositions (De La Soul on 45rpm over techno, for example),
and whose name I forget due to drunkenness, and Dan Butler, who came on
after me at about 1.10am and did an amazing job of keeping the party moving
right up until we got chucked out of the venue. It was good to see a lot of
DJs being pretty adventurous on the decks as well!

I'm quite looking forward to photos and recordings of the night, as it was
certainly one of the best times I've had out for ages - hearing such good
music, among a crowd with such impeccable taste, in a nice and intimate
venue, and especially getting a chance to play some techno to people who
'know the score' (I've been stuck playing that booty/ghetto-tech stuff for
what seems like ages now), all combined to turn it into a top night out for
me and everyone else I brought along. If 313 was a weekly club night,
there's no doubt that I'd be there before opening time every week of the
year! :)

Here's to the next London party!


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