On Wed, 22 May 2002, :P wrote:

> how come no one like paxahau hasnt created a smaller festival later in the
> summer?  detroit should have EMFs all damn summer long :))
> -Joe

what would be the hurdles involved in having something at belle isle...or
for those of us americans not in or around the detroit area, any nearby
park or plaza:

*the ok of the city
        here i'm talking about licenses to not only get the spot for a
picnic or whatever, but also the license to play loud music.  the first
part is just about getting to the correct city office in time.  the second
part might be difficult

*getting dj's to play for free or ponying up the loot to pay them
        you can't very well charge for events like this, and i don't know
how many dj's would render their service for free.

*finding the right dates
        dj's have hectic globetrotting schedules.  finding the right
string of dates then getting individuals to commit (particularly given the
most likely financial scenario) would probably be labor intensive.

*figuring out the market size
        as the demf has shown there is a "market" for daytime park-like
events.  but how big of a market is this?  it doesn't matter how SMALL it
is...we all can recall events where we gigged our asses off with just 10
or more people.  but it does matter how big it is.  too big and you can
easily have your event shut down before it even gets started...too big and
you'll find yourself having to pay the city for all types of unspecified

None of these hurdles are insurmountable...and they may actually be the
way to go in order to further grow the music.  Fowlkes made a comment
about pre-1981 neighborhood parties as initiating the scene as we know it.
This could be a good idea...and could take us back to the future.



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