if carol marvin was a man, someone would have kicked her ass by now.

On Wed, 22 May 2002, Lester Kenyatta Spence wrote:

> this is a well-written and insightful article.  one problem i do have
> though is that marvin is depicted as a power hungry, shrill b*tch.  i
> wonder how she would've been covered had she been male?  even though a
> woman wrote the article, i still wonder about this.
> i bought a cheap southwest ticket a few days ago so i'll be in the city
> this weekend (cell phone 314-369-5513)...but while i plan to check out as
> many after sets as i can, i don't know how much of the event itself i'm
> going to see.  there is still a chance to resurrect this festival, but the
> question is whether people really want to struggle for this.  there's an
> implication in the article that in the beginning of the demf everything
> was groovy...and then some individual (marvin) f*cked it up inexorably.
> i believe that marvin never should have fired craig.  i also believe that
> marvin's contract should not be renewed...and that a consortium of old
> heads should run the show, if the show continues at all.  but people have
> to be willing to fight, and have to be willing to acknowledge the
> possibility that they can still win, and through struggle make this into
> something special...not special in a 2001 sense, because we can't go back
> to the future.
> peace
> lks
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