Hi Guys

I remember, some very long time back, that a few people on this board were
asking (me) about recording realstreams and the suggestion was that it was
nigh impossible, or very difficult.

Wot people failed to mention was that it was also considered to be illegal.
I am not 100% sure on that.  For commercial distribution/gain then yes it is
illegal, but for personal use ???? I would have thought that was the same as
recording something off the radio onto cassette (as you did in the old days)
to listen to yourself, or recording a copy of a CD to listen to on your car
tape player which I have always understood was a sort of greyly accepted OK.

At the time I could not find some notes I had but they came to light last
night when I was looking for something completely different.

Ok - so here goes:

    Apart from your realstream player you need a second piece of software
which is capable of recording (realjuke box will do it as will a rather
simple to use piece of software i came upon "RipEditBurn" from BlazeAudio
(www.blazeaudio.com) who offer the package as a 30 day trial - they also
have some basic tutorials about 'audio' and its a very good site for novices
(like myself) to take a look at).

With the second piece of software set your PC sound card as your source, and
hey-presto, record away.  The recording will be in the form of a humongous
.wav file, which can be recorded straight onto a CD for CD listening, or
converted (RipEditBurn does this) to an MP3 file which will then be only
about 16% of the original size of the .wav file.

It works and even I have been able to do it, so there can be no excuses from
anyone else....

good luck
Mike Tyrer
020 7701 7113
07949 232 174

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