
Is the Daniel Bell more in a housier way or in his old bleepy style??

Dan's remix is lush deep house, with a few classic quirky DBX touches. v.v.nice track. John Tejada's remix is cool funky techno. 2 quality remixes, and definitely a record to look out for!

a coupla other records came in the mail yesterday morning (thanks Juno!): Shake's new 12" on Seventh City, and the aforementioned "Moves" 12".

Shake's 12" is pretty good, if not his best imho. the tracks have got a wicked disjointed funk feel, with beats flying around all over the joint. the record feels like a cross between the 12" he did on Klang, "Mr Shakir's Beat Store", and the various "Frictional Beat" tracks he's released on Frictional.

i wouldn't want to over-generalise, but in essence "Moves" is more of the same Metro Area style discoid house from Mr Geist. if you're into that style, and i am, then this record's for you!



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