It must be noted that it took massive balls to consider what they were going
to do - let alone pulling it off. I will get a criticism out of the way
before I get to the praise. There was too much time spent on the mic. It
felt to me like they wanted to hype the crowd as much as possible, and the
tempo of many songs may have been too slow to make that happen given that
everyone there had been going at it for at least three days already. I think
this set would have gone over really, really well in an early evening slot
(think: Theorem the first year), but I understand this was a deserved spot
for people that have contributed so much to the Detroit scene. I'm not
complaining that the music was slow to close things out b/c it was really
beautiful and meaningful. I guess what I'm saying is that if the crowd
seemed disinterested, it probably said more about the collective exhaustion
of the audience than the collective enjoyment, and time spent hyping the
crowd on the mics seemed like more of a distraction than an effective way to
motivate people. But you could say this about the main stage on the whole,
not just this show. All-told, that's a pretty minor criticism.

To the set itself: The intro was really nice. About 5 minutes of lush pads
and Detroit moods. Really pretty stuff. More-or-less seemlessly, this segued
into "Strings". I hope this comes out as a release somewhere, b/c it was the
hilight of the set for me. Really well executed on the live keys and a great
twist to a classic that many people think should never be touched. "Trans
Europe Express" and "Home Computer" were excellent too. From then-on-in,
most of the music was relatively slow with varying prominance of beats. I
didn't know a few of the tracks, but I'd love to hear the originals now.
This set was all about the beauty of funk and electronics, and I must
repeat, it was extremely impressive to hear these "techno standards" covered
so well with three live keyboards and various guests. Aux Men get huge
credit for pulling this off. I hope this comes to a city near me so I can
see it with a little more energy. I have to guiltily admit I left for 15
minutes in the middle to check out Derek Plaslaiko b/c I needed some tempo
to re-energize me, but I don't think that would be the case had I not been
on my feet, checking about 60 hours of music in the previous four days. It's
also really impressive to see this SOS agenda come to a head so quickly.
Well done!

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