Haha.  I've been on this list since it started, and finally started a hot
thread! Hey, I just posted this thread like an hour ago...look at all these
responses! Keep them coming.

Alot of them are familiar to me and also favorites...especially the
soofle/choice cuts, galaxy to galaxy, the deepest shade of techno comp,
ocean to ocean, ...yeah, oldschool FNAC ludovic navarre tracks...these are
some great toons people. Some are new to me..I'll have to have a listen.

Sterac "sitting on clouds" on 100% Pure definately does it for me...
Model 500 "I wanna be there" almost does it for me...
Rob Hood's Minimal Nation *should* bring on the tears, but it's too detached
to do that ;-) 

Dr. Attaman
(I'm a real medical physician now, finally graduated) :)

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