>  a shake mix [at an event called 'fin du monde' or something...] 

If my (fading) memory serves me properly, I think Fin Du Monde  was one of the 
killer parties Jay Denham and Black Nation threw in Kalamazoo 1997 - 98.  Wow 
what a killer string of parties that was, there was "A Hard Black Evening"... 
(fantastic name) feat. Denham, Mike Grant, Baby Pop, Surgeon, and a PA by Chris 
Sattinger.  (I think that was a hot as hell night in a warehouse, with the most 
severe thunderstorm outside of the summer)

THen there was "People's Revolution" with Claude Young and Dan Bell among 
others... I think Shake? and Fanon Flowers.

FOllowing it up with "Sector 616" with Shake, Claude?,  Bios live PA, Jeff 
Mills, etc.

Man, that was a great run... respect !

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