Four new audio sketches are available at in the
works-in-progress section.

"Deep Space" is kind of dubby, with a funky bassline . . . the
transitions don't really work yet. 1:39

"Render Farm" is tweaky and acidic . . . I've always had a love for
tracks that sound like hard disks doing seek jobs, and this is kind of
an homage to that sound. 2:37

"Lake Affect" starts out filtered and Swayzak-esque, and gets a bit
E2-E4 after a minute or so. 2:03

"Frame Dragging" is quick and filtered . .. borderline trance, I
suppose. 1:20

Comments and critique are appreciated.

Oh, someone mailed me about my setup last time I posted but I lost the
message when my webhost imploded last week.  At any rate, I'm 100%
software, and presently that software is a soft-synth called Orion
made by Sonic Syndicate.  Its costs $99 and there's more info here:

Brian "balistic" Prince - art and techno
Strokes of Defiance EP . . . soon.

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